Welcome to the web presence of the Center for Applied Anthropology (CfAA) at Northern Kentucky University (NKU).
To provide service learning projects for NKU students both in the United States and abroad, the CfAA partners with: the Scripps Howard Center for Civic Engagement, Kentucky Campus Compact, NKU Office of Education Abroad, and Cooperative Center for Study Abroad.
The CfAA has involved undergraduate and graduate students in community-based ethnographic research in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati region, Central California, and Belize.
Anthropological theory and method are uniquely equipped to provide ethnographic data to assist projects involving local human communities and other project stakeholders. Key to our method of data collection are ethnographic interviews in which data are collected and qualitatively analyzed to design survey instruments for further analysis by quantitative methods. For more information about applied anthropology, please visit the following links:
Although we are currently involved with several projects, we always welcome inquiries into future service learning projects with communities and development projects.